apologies - an online tribute to kurt cobain


if you've stumbled across this for the first time, you're probably wondering why we created this website. "Apologies" is an online tribute to the late nirvana frontman, kurt cobain, designed to provide accurate, honest information on him without the focus set on suicide notes and bootleg trading. this page was made and is maintained by two girls, sarah from australia and amanda from canada, both long-time fans. we'd always featured kurt in our personal pages, but had never made a site with full content because the workload was just too big. last november we decided to make a go of it together and we haven't looked back since.

maintaining a site which holds as much information as this is a lot of hard work, and it's near impossible to keep up with everything. if you find any broken links or html mistakes within the pages feel free to email us and say so. also, we don't participate in any rings or cliques, but there is a voting button for the top 25 nirvana sites on our main page.

we hope you enjoy your visit, please come by again and leave your thoughts in the guestbook. the feedback is appreciated, it's the only way we learn what you guys want from our site and what we need to work on. drop us a line at apologies@mailcity.com if you have any questions.


peace, love and empathy,

sarah and amanda.

